
Choies-The latest street fashion


#8 ~ Lookbook
The first thing I think of when I hear the word 'lookbook' is the site! If you haven't already checked this page out, I highly recommend doing so! I am literally on here twenty-four seven!Can you say... addicted? 

To those who have never heard of, I shall explain. This site is for people who love looking at or posting their own personal outfits! You can search girls or guys, hot or new, and by country to see tons of different outfits! I usually just stick with the main page and scroll down from there. I do have a few personal faves that I like to stalk and see what they are wearing that day. This site is great for times when you have no idea what to wear, if you want to see how other people style certain pieces, or if you are bored and just want to waste countless hours doing something mind-numbingly awesome. 

Now some of you may be wondering what the h-e-double hockey sticks is a lookbook... and well, I am going to tell you. Simply put, it is just a collection of photographs complied to show off a model, photographer, stylist, style, or a clothing line. Oscar de la Renta can have a lookbook and Rachel Zoe can also have her own as well! 

As you can see, there are actually a million different users on the site posting pictures every minute of the day!No matter what type of style you like, you can find it! This is an amazing website!
What a typical Page Looks like***
The lookbook that is above is from one of my new favorites. This girl is from somewhere in Europe (she doesn't specify) and she is a blogger/model (in this day-and-age... who isn't). She has posted about 60 looks and is quite the popular one on the site. Her style is sometimes over the top, but also sometimes very classy and cute! I would def check her out sometime if I was you! 

I love lookbooks and I think it is such a clever way to showcase different looks and show how creative you are. Designers use it to show their customers seamless looks and bloggers use it so people become interested in them and follow them!

I hope you liked my post and the lookbook I currently love!

1 comment:

  1. I loved reading your post about look books! It was so passionate haha I looked at and I think it is an awesome website! I had never heard of it before, nor was I ever really a look book kinda gal. I think it is really cool how you can see a bunch of different kind of styles that you are into instead of just one specific style. I think this was help ful and useful to me. :) THANKS! Good Post!
